Kern Solar Structures is a proud member of the Kern Steel Fabrication Family. Officially started in 2016, Kern Solar Structures heritage comes from more than two decades of solar structure fabrication, stemming from Kern Steel Fabrication's 75 year operational history and relationships with industry giants like SunPower.
Combining solar expertise with a rich history in fabrication Kern Solar Structures has grown a significant foothold in the solar structure industry, which is growing due to high levels of quality and customer satisfaction.
Kern Solar Structures constantly stives to make a positive impact on the industry by utilizing breakthrough technology and means and methods taken from other industries.

As a key supplier to solar projects internationally, Kern Solar Structures view environmental sustainability with great importance. Kern Solar Structures stives to reduce green house gas emissions, reduce VOC's, and use recycled steel all in the pursuit of creating a green future. Additionally Kern Solar Structures seeks to support other organizations in the pursuit of their Environmental, Sustainability, and Governance goals through partnerships, and providing solar structures that are compliant with, and further ESG initiatives.
Kern Solar Structures mission is to increase the accessibility of high quality solar support structures in an effort to support the transition to the green economy of the future.
Kern Solar Structures firmly believes that placing design at the forefront of practices and offerings leads to the best solutions and products for projects and customers industry-wide. As Kern Solar Structures strives to offer the best solution to customers, good design has played a key role in that effort, so much so, that Kern Solar Structures offers custom design solutions and approaches to projects for each customer.
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